Sunday, 23 March 2014

Still Dreaming

Well, it's a bleak, late winter, alleged spring day here on the rock. I know I am not doing my home province's attempts to attract tourists any favour with my dreary talk of extended winter. However, this is NL in March. Actually, it seems like most of Eastern Canada is having trouble shaking off the winter blahs. We  have a pending storm advisory for later this week :(  When summer does arrive, it will be much nicer. I typically put over 10,000 kms on the bike each summer, so there is actual riding weather here...come then if you are so inclined. :)

On a more positive note. I watched a beautiful movie last night; a recent release called "About Time". It was really uplifting. I am working my way through a new book, another biography. This one is about the early part of Elvis' career and is called "Last Train to Memphis". This is what one does to get through this season...and, of course, it is great practise for the planned gypsy traveller lifestyle my wife & I have planned upon retirement. Speaking of retirement, part of my coping strategy for this long 'ol winter has been to dream about what my rolling home will be like. I have traded e-mails back and forth with my friend Denise (Sass), who is currently livin' the dream, and with her help I have constructed a growing must have list of features of what the rollin' Chez Ryan will require. Well, as of right now, here is the leading candidate

I initially found this one in the US.
Just outta curiosity decided to do some comparison shopping in Canada (where of course I would not have to factor in the exchange rate) and voila!  Oh, I know I am a few years away from making the big purchase, but it is nice to dream.

Anyways, the wife is calling me to Sunday brunch. I shall leave my dreaming for a while and turn to a wonderful culinary reality that she creates for me...also I will turn to doing the laundry,a different kind of reality :p

All the best to those who may drop by to mull over my musings.

Ride On! see ya out There...


  1. "Chez Ryan" ??

    Don't give up on your dream my friend. The more rigs you look at now the better as it will make the decision much easier when the time comes.

  2. Highwayman,
    Just saw you had read my blog so I thought I'd check out yours....nice, but who wants to read about !

    I'm reading a great book right now myself "the Book of Fate" by Brad Meltzer....pretty good even if it is over 10 years old now.


  3. Hi. Thanks for the comment. I have to write about the's like turnin' the valve on the pipe to let off the steam. My posts will get more appealing, I hope, once riding season starts. BTW, thanks for the book tip. I'm picky about my fiction, so I will definitley check out Meltzer.
